The Holocaust Historiography Project
Auschwitz, by J.-C. Pressac
Drawing 2
Drawing 2:

Bauleitung drawing 1846 of 25/11/42 [PMO neg. me 20930/1]
Desinfektions u. Entwesungsanlage, Keller / disinfection and disinfestations installation, basement

Drawn by prisoner 538 on 25/11/42,
checked by Dejaco and approved by Bischoff on 28/11/42
Scale 1:100.
Translation of the inscriptions:
· Kellergeschossgrundriss / basement plan
· Nichtunterkellerter Teil / part with no basement
· Heizraum / boiler room
· Handpumpe / hand pump
· Frischlufteintritt / fresh air intake
· Brennstoffr. / fuel store