The Holocaust Historiography Project

The Journal of Historical Review: Vol. 17

The volume and number labels are linked to the cover letter that accompanied each issue.

Volume 17 No. 1 (January/February 1998)

Collins, Doug. “Australian Rambo unmasked at last.” January/February 1998; Vol. 17 No. 1, p5.

Collins, Doug. “Nuremberg: King of kangaroo courts.” January/February 1998; Vol. 17 No. 1, p5.

Collins, Doug. “Retiring, not quitting.” January/February 1998; Vol. 17 No. 1, p4.

Irving, David. Nuremberg: The Last Battle. Reviewed by: Michaels, Daniel W. January/February 1998; Vol. 17 No. 1, p38. Woe to the vanquished.

Jodl, Alfred. “Final statement to the Nuremberg Tribunal.” January/February 1998; Vol. 17 No. 1, p46.

Meyer, Dick. “Blind hatred [letter].” January/February 1998; Vol. 17 No. 1, p47.

Remer, Otto Ernst. “Remer speaks.” January/February 1998; Vol. 17 No. 1, p9.

Smith, Goldwyn. “The vexing 'Jewish Question": A nineteenth-century scholar’s view.” January/February 1998; Vol. 17 No. 1, p16.

Sobran, Joseph. “As we were.” January/February 1998; Vol. 17 No. 1, p13.

Sobran, Joseph. “Base motives.” January/February 1998; Vol. 17 No. 1, p13.

Sobran, Joseph. “Our savaged 'living' Constitution.” January/February 1998; Vol. 17 No. 1, p12.

Svetlund, E. “Upholding principle [letter].” January/February 1998; Vol. 17 No. 1, p48.

Weber, Mark. “Japanese court declines to validate gas chamber claims.” January/February 1998; Vol. 17 No. 1, p10. Revisionist progress in Nippon.

Weber, Mark. “[Otto Ernst] Remer dies in exile.” January/February 1998; Vol. 17 No. 1, p7. War hero fled to Spain to avoid “thought crime” imprisonment.

Weber, Mark. “Victory for Collins and free speech in Holocaust heresy battle.” January/February 1998; Vol. 17 No. 1, p2. Canadian Jewish Congress censorship bid thwarted.

Volume 17 No. 2 (March/April 1998)

Butz, Arthur R. “Robert Graham and Revisionism.” March/April 1998; Vol. 17 No. 2, p24.

Curtiss, Richard H. “Pro-Israel Jews Play Ominous Role in Clinton Administration.” March/April 1998; Vol. 17 No. 2, p27.

Faurisson, Robert. “The Detail.” March/April 1998; Vol. 17 No. 2, p19. [The alleged Nazi gas chambers].

Goldberg, J. J. Jewish Power: Inside the American Jewish Establishment. reviewed by: Twing, Shawn L. March/April 1998; Vol. 17 No. 2, p37. A revealing but flawed look at Jewish political clout.

Oliver, Revilo P. “On History.” March/April 1998; Vol. 17 No. 2, p13.

Oliver, Revilo P. “Oswald Spengler.” March/April 1998; Vol. 17 No. 2, p10. Criticism and tribute.

Rogers, Will. “On American 'Moral Leadership' and Foreign Adventurism.” March/April 1998; Vol. 17 No. 2, p32. 'The more things change …".

Spengler, Oswald. “Aphorisms.” March/April 1998; Vol. 17 No. 2, p8. From the writings of Oswald Spengler.

Stimely, Keith. “Oswald Spengler.” March/April 1998; Vol. 17 No. 2, p2. An introduction to his life and ideas.

Trombley, Stephen. The Execution Protocol: Inside America’s Capital Punishment Industry. reviewed by: Weber, Mark. March/April 1998; Vol. 17 No. 2, p34. [A] probing look at [the] 'capital punishment industry' affirms expertise of Auschwitz investigator [Fred A.] Leuchter.

Weber, Mark. “'Alternative History' in France.” March/April 1998; Vol. 17 No. 2, p30.

Weber, Mark. “American-born Vatican Historian [Robert Graham] Refuted 'Holocaust Complicity' Charges [of Vatican].” March/April 1998; Vol. 17 No. 2, p26.

Weber, Mark. “French Courts Punish Holocaust Apostasy.” March/April 1998; Vol. 17 No. 2, p14. Le Pen, Faurisson, Garaudy fined for 'Holocaust Denial'.

Weber, Mark. “History’s Little-known Naval Disasters.” March/April 1998; Vol. 17 No. 2, p22. Comparing the Titanic sinking.

Volume 17 No. 3 (May/June 1998)

AAARGH. “Don’t Die Ignorant.” May/June 1998; Vol. 17 No. 3, p20. France’s remarkable 'AAARGH' Web site.

Beary, Kevin. “Life Styles: Native and Imposed.” May/June 1998; Vol. 17 No. 3, p7. 'The blame of those ye better'.

Butz, Arthur R. “Peter Sagal’s 'Denial'.” May/June 1998; Vol. 17 No. 3, p18.

Charles, Antony. “Wilhelm Furtwängler and Music in the Third Reich.” May/June 1998; Vol. 17 No. 3, p2.

Collins, Doug. “Fighting for Frankness.” May/June 1998; Vol. 17 No. 3, p23. Goebbels, Frank Speech, and War Memories.

Collins, Doug. “Mastermind Unmasked [Joseph Goebbels].” May/June 1998; Vol. 17 No. 3, p22. Goebbels, Frank Speech, and War Memories.

Collins, Doug. “Memories Clearer as War Recedes.” May/June 1998; Vol. 17 No. 3, p24. Goebbels, Frank Speech, and War Memories.

Faurisson, Robert. “The [Maurice] Papon Trial.” May/June 1998; Vol. 17 No. 3, p14.

MacDonald, Kevin. Separation and its Discontents: Toward an Evolutionary Theory of Anti-Semitism. Reviewed by: Harrison, Peter. May/June 1998; Vol. 17 No. 3, p28. What causes anti-Semitism? An important new look at the persistent 'Jewish question.'.

Twain, Mark. “The Noble Red Man.” May/June 1998; Vol. 17 No. 3, p12.

Weber, Mark. “Important New German-Language Revisionist Quarterly (VffG).” May/June 1998; Vol. 17 No. 3, p26. Vierteljahreshefte für freie Geschichtsforschung.

Volume 17 No. 4 (July/August 1998)

“Dissident German Historian [Udo Walendy] Punished for Revisionist Writings.” July/August 1998; Vol. 17 No. 4, p14. Udo Walendy in prison.

“Holocaust Skeptics Under Growing Attack in Switzerland.” July/August 1998; Vol. 17 No. 4, p11. A record of repression in Helvetia.

“Polish Authorities Ban BBC Team and David Irving from Auschwitz.” July/August 1998; Vol. 17 No. 4, p16.

“Revisionist Activism in Sweden.” July/August 1998; Vol. 17 No. 4, p22.

Swiss Court Punishes Two Revisionists (Jürgen Graf, Gerhard Förster).” July/August 1998; Vol. 17 No. 4, p2. Prosecutor threatens defense witness. Author Jürgen Graf fined, sentenced to 15 months in prison.

“Widespread Holocaust Doubts in Sweden.” July/August 1998; Vol. 17 No. 4, p23.

Butz, Arthur R. “Pope Pius XII and the Jews.” July/August 1998; Vol. 17 No. 4, p20.

Butz, Arthur R. “Revisionists Meet in Australia.” July/August 1998; Vol. 17 No. 4, p18. The 'Adelaide Institute' conference.

Faurisson, Robert. “An Orthodox Historian Finally Acknowledges: There is No Evidence for Nazi Gas Chambers.” July/August 1998; Vol. 17 No. 4, p24.

Graf, Jürgen. “A Dangerous Guilt Complex.” July/August 1998; Vol. 17 No. 4, p12.

Suvorov, Viktor. Poslednyaya Respublika (The Last Republic). Reviewed by: Michaels, Daniel W. July/August 1998; Vol. 17 No. 4, p30. Exposing Stalin’s Plan to Conquer Europe: How the Soviet Union 'Lost' the Second World War.

Taki Theodoracopulos. “Promoting Holocaust Hatred of Germans.” July/August 1998; Vol. 17 No. 4, p28. Reprinted from The Spectator (London).

Weber, Mark. “Jewish Group Demands More Anti-revisionist laws.” July/August 1998; Vol. 17 No. 4, p22.

Weber, Mark. “Switzerland’s Anti-Racism Law.” July/August 1998; Vol. 17 No. 4, p13.

Volume 17 No. 5 (September/October 1998)

Holocaust survivor [Wilkomirski] memoir exposed as fraud.” September/October, 1998; Vol. 17 No. 5, p15.

The [U.S.] Holocaust Museum’s 'Black liberators' fraud.” September/October, 1998; Vol. 17 No. 5, p26.

Berenbaum, Michael. The Holocaust and History. Reviewed by: Faurisson, Robert. September/October, 1998; Vol. 17 No. 5, p29.

Marchetti, Victor. “The Big Hollywood Lie: Denying that Jews control the film business.” September/October, 1998; Vol. 17 No. 5, p14. Disinformation.

Neff, Donald. “Unprecedented aid to Israel began under the Sinai Agreements.” September/October, 1998; Vol. 17 No. 5, p22.

Reiner, Rob. 'Smartest people'. Quoted by: Freeman, Paul, Jewish Bulletin of Northern California. September/October, 1998; Vol. 17 No. 5, p13.

Sacher, Howard M. “A new meritocracy.” September/October, 1998; Vol. 17 No. 5, p13.

Sindi, Abdullah Mohammad. “How the Jewish-Zionist grip on American film and television promotes bias against Arabs and Muslims.” September/October, 1998; Vol. 17 No. 5, p2.

Sobran, Joseph. “Points of friction.” September/October, 1998; Vol. 17 No. 5, p17.

Weber, Mark. “Subverting the Disney legacy.” September/October, 1998; Vol. 17 No. 5, p10.


Volume 17 No. 6 (November/December 1998)

The Adelaide Institute conference.” November/December, 1998; Vol. 17 No. 6, p6.

Germans more criminal, less literate, and older.” November/December, 1998; Vol. 17 No. 6, p20.

Germany has paid out more than $61.8 billion in Third Reich reparations.” November/December, 1998; Vol. 17 No. 6, p19.

A Jewish appeal to Russia’s Jewish elite.” November/December, 1998; Vol. 17 No. 6, p13.

John Birch Society magazine takes aim at Holocaust revisionism and the IHR.” November/December, 1998; Vol. 17 No. 6, p27.

New [Doug] Collins book takes aim at cant and bigotry.” November/December, 1998; Vol. 17 No. 6, p29.

Scholarly French journal strives for 'exactitude'.” November/December, 1998; Vol. 17 No. 6, p31.

Butz, Arthur R. “The Hoax ends the twentieth century.” November/December, 1998; Vol. 17 No. 6, p2.

Faurisson, Robert. “'Ah, how sweet it is to be Jewish …'.” November/December, 1998; Vol. 17 No. 6, p11.

Michaels, Daniel W. “Some reactions to Topol’s 'open letter'.” November/December, 1998; Vol. 17 No. 6, p16.

Raven, Greg. “The Journal of Historical Review, 1980-1998.” November/December, 1998; Vol. 17 No. 6, p37.

Topol, Eduard. “'Start to love Russia, Boris Abramovich!'.” November/December, 1998; Vol. 17 No. 6, p14.

Weber, Mark. “Israel is developing 'ethnic bomb' for Growing Biological Weapons Arsenal.” November/December, 1998; Vol. 17 No. 6, p24.

Weber, Mark. “Spanish court sentences 'thought criminal' [Varela].” November/December, 1998; Vol. 17 No. 6, p21.
