The Holocaust Historiography Project
Auschwitz, by J.-C. Pressac
[PMO Archives, second drawing of file BW 30/02,
neg. no. 20818/4]
Bauleitung Drawing 933 (II)

Figure 1 Figure 1

Port d'accès a la glissoire / Chute access door
Emplacements présumés des Leichenkeller 1 et 2 /
Presumed locations of Leichenkeller 1 and 2
Kasernenstraße / [Name of camp road] Bâitments SS / SS buildings Camp principal
Auschwitz / Auschwitz main camp

Figure 2

Port d'accès a la glissoire / Chute access door
Entree principale au crématoire II /
Main entrance to Krematorium II
Hauptstraße / [Name of camp road]
GKL Birkenau / Birkenau POW camp
Figure 2