The Holocaust Historiography Project
Auschwitz, by J.-C. Pressac
[PMO Archives, second drawing of file BW 30/02,
neg. no. 20818/4]
Entwurf für das Krematorium / Project for the Krematorium
Grundriß vom Erdgeschoß / Ground floor plan
Krematorium [Birkenau Krematorium II, BW 30], scale 1:100
Drawn on 19/1/42 by SS Sergeant Ulmer,
checked on 28/1/42 by SS Second Lieutenant Dejaco and
approved on 28/1/42 by SS Captain Bischoff.
Bauleitung Drawing 933

Translation of inscriptions:
(left to right and top to bottom)
Stufen, Türen- und Fensterumrahmungen — Oberschl. Sandstein! / Steps, door and window frame facings sandstone!
W.Clo / WC
Rutsche / [Corpse] chute
Toilette / Toilets
Plattenbelag / Tiling
Sezierraum / Dissecting room
Steinholz Fussboden / Xylolite floor
Schmiede Eisengitter / Wrought iron grill
Waschraum und Aufbahrungsraum / Washing and laying out room
Platten-B / Tiling
Windfang / Windbreak
Flur / Vestibule
Be- und Entlüftungsschächte vom U G / Ventilation and air extraction shafts from basement
Aufzug / Corpse lift
Dehnungsfuge/ Expansion joint
Ofen/ Furnace
Entlüftungslöcher zum Abluftkanal / Vents to hot air extraction duct
Betonboden / concrete floor
Siphon / Siphon
Verbrennungsraum / Incineration room [Furnace room]
Müllerverbrennungsofen / waste incinerator
Saugzuganlage / Suction type forced-draught installation
Motor-Raum / Motor room
Gleis für Kokszufuhr / Rail for bringing coke
Gleis für Beschicking der Ofen / Furnace charging rail
Dielenwand / Wooden partition wall
Eisenbetontreppe / Reinforced concrete steps
19 Steigungen / 19 Steps
Capo / Capo’s [room]
Geräte / Irons [for operating the furnaces]
Schr[ank] für Urnen / Cupboard for urns
Gefälle / Slope
Verstärkungsrippe / Stiffening rib
Brennstofflage / Fuel store
Ca 1 ½ Eisenbahnwagons Fassgehalt / Capacity about 1 ½ railway wagon loads
Brause / Shower
Pissoir / Urinal
Aufentahaltsraum für Häftlinge / Prisoners' rest room
Abfuhr für Schlacke und Asche / Clinker and ash dump

Drawing 933, the ground floor plan of the new Krematorium for the main camp, seems to be original and scarcely to have been changed at all with the change of site to Birkenau. In fact, after the change in the orientation of the building, only the partial outlines of Leichenkeller 1 (bottom left) and 2 (extreme left) seem to have been added to the original drawing, its internal arrangement not having changed in the least. The central ventilation shafts [Be- und Entlüftungsschächte vom U G / ventilation and air extraction shafts from basement] seems to be original, the one on the left being for fresh air intake and the one on the right for air extraction. However, according to drawing 1173-1174, both were for air extraction, while a third was created for the ventilation of Leichenkeller 1, visible in the southwest corner of the [corpse] washing room [Waschraum].

The location of the door to access the corpse chute, down which the bodies were to be slid for storage in the underground morgues, shows that the Krematorium was originally designed for the Auschwitz main camp, where the door would have given directly onto the “Kasernenstraße”, the road passing between the SS administration buildings and the Old Krematorium [Kr I] [Figure 1]. On the other hand, in Birkenau, this door, which ought to be the most used in a crematorium, is almost on the opposite side of the building to the entrance gate to the grounds of Krematorium II and would necessitate a considerable detour for the delivery of corpses [Figure 2].

This drawing was combined with 934 of 27/1/42. the “section drawing”, the combination still bearing the number 933 and the date 19/1/42. It will be designated here as 933 [-934].