The Holocaust Historiography Project
Auschwitz, by J.-C. Pressac
Drawing 4287 [b]

[PMO neg. no. 20818/2]
of 21st September 1944, scale 1:100, drawn by prisoner 57347.
Ausbau des alten Krematorium / conversion of the old crematorium
Luftschutzbunker für SS Revier mit einem Operationsraum / air raid shelter for the SS hospital with an operating theater.
Bestandplan für wasserversorgung und Kanalisation / inventory drawing for water supply and drainage.
Translation of inscriptions
other than those already appearing
on drawing 4287 [a]
· Klosset / WC
· Entlüftung / ventilation
· Wasserleitung / water supply pipes
· Kanalleitung / drainage and sewers

This drawing was entered in the catalogue of drawings on 28th December 1944. The WCs are now connected to the sewer. It is not known what type of ventilation fans, if any, were installed. The communicating door between the former furnace room and the morgue was bricked in. The medical store was reached via a door installed where the window illuminating the third furnace used to be. After the Liberation, this door was removed and the window reinstalled. The three cremation furnaces had been dismantled, but the metal parts were stored. The stoking pits must have been covered by temporary wooden floors. The windows and door leading to the third furnace of the medical store were also filled in. With part of the building converted to an air raid shelter, this is the state in which the SS abandoned Krematorium I in January 1945.
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