The Holocaust Historiography Project
Auschwitz, by J.-C. Pressac
Drawing D 59042 [a]


[PMO neg. no. 20818/1]
of 25th September 1941, scale 1:100
Einbau einer Einäscherungsanlage für K L Auschwitz / construction of a cremation facility for Auschwitz Concentration Camp.
[Top left is the stamp of the Cracow regional Commission for Investigation of German crimes]
Translation of inscriptions:
· Grundriss / plan drawing
· Neuer Ofen / new furnace
· Druckluftgebläse / pulsed air blower
· Drehscheibe / turntable
· Ofen / furnace
· Ofenraum / furnace room
· Koks / coke
· Urnen / urns
· Vorraum / vestibule
· Aufb[ahrungs]raum / laying out room
· Waschraum / washing room
· Leichenhalle / morgue [corpse hall]

It should be pointed out that the length of [Krematorium I is not 36.57 meters but 27.57 meters. The forced draught installation housed in a shed between the chimney and the furnace room not shown. The pencil lines indicating the periphery round the Krematorium I building are not original].