The Holocaust Historiography Project

Translation of document C-10

                                                       Berlin 28.11.1939

Supreme Command of the Armed Forces
WFA No. 221/39 Most Secret SO only

     [Stamp]: C in C Navy                  8 copies
     Op 43./39                                    2nd copy
     Recd. 29 Nov. '39

Subject: Employment of the 7th Flieger Division


            S.O. only access only through officer.

1. Should the quick breakthrough of the 6th Army, north of Liege, fail,
owing to the demolition of the bridges over the Maas and the Albert
canal, the intended employment of the 7th Flieger Division against the
bridgehead at G will also be cancelled. Special orders for this event
will be issued.

2. The Fuehrer is of the opinion that the 7th Flieger Division must on
the first day of the attack be employed on another task and requests
that the following possibilities be examined:

a.. The occupation of Watcheren Island and thereby Flushing
harbor, or of some other southern Dutch island especially valuable for
our sea and air warfare.

b. Taking of one or more Maas crossings between Namur and Dinant with
the object of keeping them open until the arrival of the mobile troops
employed in the 4th Army sector.

c. Securing of the territory north of Carignan and north-east of Sedan,
so that the mobile troops employed in the sector of Army Group A may be
able to escape from the wooded heights south-west and south-east of

3. It is requested that the above-named possibilities be explored as
quickly as possible and that the following state their opinion:

     OKA to 2 a and b

     Naval War Staff to 2 a

     Reich Minister for Air and C in C Air Force to 2 a, b and c

Chief of the Supreme Command of the Armed Forces.
                                                             Sgd. KEITEL

C in C Army — Copy 1
C in C Navy — Copy 2
Reich Minister for Air and C in C Air Force-Copy 3
WFA — Copy 4
Chef L — Copy 5
la — Copy 6
lb — Copy 7
lc — Copy 8