The Holocaust Historiography Project

Translation of document 3708-PS

BERND VON BRAUCHITSCH                               NURNBERG

                       SWORN STATEMENT

Luftflottenchefs have the same status as the
Oberbefehlshaber of an army. During the war they had no
territorial authority and accordingly exercised no
territorial jurisdiction.

                                                  [Page 420]

They were the highest troop commanders of the air force
units subordinate to them and were directly under the
command of the Commander-in-Chief of the Air Force.

Until the summer of 1944 they bore the designation
"Befehlshaber” and from then on that of “Oberbefehlshaber.”
This change of designation carried with it no change in the
functions and responsibilities which they previously had.

                                        [signed] BRAUCHITSCH


Before me, Walter H. Rapp, Captain, Cavalry, ASN 0-454231,
an officer duly qualified to take oaths, appeared Colonel
Bernd von Brauchitsch, to me known, who in my presence
signed the foregoing “Erklaerung” (statement) consisting of
one page in the German language, and swore that the same was
true on the 20th day of November 1945.

                                     [signed] Walter H. Rapp
                                              WALTER H. RAPP
                                                Captain, CAV