The Holocaust Historiography Project

Translation of document 3586-PS


Defense 580/9.34. III a.g.
Berlin, 16 October 1934

                  Chief of Army High Command [Heeresleitung]
                                    Nr. 330/34 g. Chief H.L.

To all Counter Intelligence:

The new troop units to be activated may be listed in address
and telephone books, provided that only the official
camouflage designations are used.

                                                       I. V.
                                               Signed  Himer


1. Chief HL.
2. Chief ML.
3. W.A.
4. L.S.
5. P.A.
6. T.A.
7. V.A.
8. Wa. A.
9. A.H.A.
10. Plan [ning Section].
                                                  [Page 282]