The Holocaust Historiography Project

Translation of document 3560-PS

          1939 REICHSGESETZBLATT, PART 1 PAGE 2042

         Decree of the Fuehrer and Reich Chancellor
                     concerning the Or-
        ganization and Administration of the Eastern
                Territories, October 8, 1939

                          Section 1

(1)  In the process of reorganization of the Eastern
  Territories the Reich Districts [Gaue] of Western Prussia
  and Posen shall be incorporated as parts of the German

(2)  The Reich District shall be administered by a Reich
  Governor [Statthalter].

(3)  The Reich Governor in Western Prussia shall have his
  official residence in Danzig; the Reich Governor in Posen
  shall have his official residence in Posen.

                          Section 2

(1)  The Reich District of Western Prussia shall be
  subdivided into the government districts of Danzig,
  Marienwerder, and Bromberg.

(2)  The Reich District Posen shall be subdivided into the
  government districts of Hohensalza, Posen, and Kalisch.

                          Section 3

(1)  For the organization of the administration in the Reich
  districts, the statute concerning the organization f the
  administration in the Reich District of the Sudetenland
  (short title “Sudeten Statute") of April 14, 1939 (RGB1. I,
  p. 780), shall apply unless modified by this decree.

(2)  All branches of the administration shall be subject to
  the jurisdiction of the Reich Governor.  The Reich Minister
  concerned, upon the transfer of special branches of the
  administration to the existing Reich administrative
  agencies.  Special agencies for counties shall be subject to the
jurisdiction of county commissioners until further

                          Section 4

By including adjacent territorial parts in the
province of Silesia the government district of
Kattervitz, and in the province of East-Prussia
the government district of Ziehenan shall be

                          Section 5

(1)  The boundaries of the Administrative Districts
  (Sections 1, 2, and 4) shall be determined by the Reich
  Minister of the Interior, in agreement with the Prussian
  President of the Cabinet, as far as the Administrative
  boundaries between the recovered territories and the
  adjacent provinces are concerned.

(2)  The Reich Minister of the Interior shall regulate the
  formation for urban and rural counties insofar as it is
  required by the reorganization.

                          Section 6

(1)  Residents of German blood or of racially related blood
  shall become German nationals in accordance with further
  provisions to be issued.

(2)  Residents of German origin in these territories shall
  become German citizens in accordance with the Reich
  Nationality Code.

                          Section 7

The law heretofore in force shall continue in
effect unless incompatible with the fact of
incorporation in the German Reich.

                          Section 8

The Reich Minister of the Interior may, by means
of general orders, and in agreement with the Reich
minister concerned, introduce Reich law and
Prussian law.

                          Section 9

For the territory of the former Free City of
Danzig, the provisions of Sections 3 and 4 of the
Law concerning the reunion of the Free City of
Danzig with the German Reich of September 1, 1939
(RGB1., I, p. 1547) remain unchanged.

                         Section 10

The Reich Minister of Finance shall arrange, in
agreement with the Reich Minister of the Interior,
the questions arising from the reorganization in
the sphere of the adjustment of finances.

                         Section 11

(1)  The Reich Minister of the Interior and the Reich
  Minister of Finance or the agencies determined by them shall
  order the

                                        [Page 246]

financial adjustment required by the
reorganization as well as the measures herewith

(2)  Dispositions in accordance with (1) shall establish
  rights and obligations of those concerned and shall effect
  the transition, the restrictions and the annulment of real

                         Section 12

(1)  The Reich Minister of the Interior shall be the
  official chiefly responsible for the reorganization f the
  Eastern Territories.

(2)  He shall issue the general rules and regulations
  required for the enforcement and execution of this decree.

                         Section 13

(1)  This decree shall take effect as of November 1, 1939.

(2)  The Reich Minister of the Interior may, for specified
  areas, declare the provisions of this decree to be in effect
  at an earlier date.

Berlin, October 8, 1939

        ADOLF HITLER, Fuehrer and Reich Chancellor
      GOERING, General Field Marshal, President of
   the Council of Ministers for the Defense of the
             FRICK, Reich Minister of the Interior
          R.   HESS, Representative of the Fuehrer
      DR. LAMMERS, Reich Minister and Chief of the
                                 Reich Chancellery