The Holocaust Historiography Project

Partial translation of document 3559-PS

                      Alfred Rosenberg,
                    THE MAN AND HIS WORK,
        by F. Th. Hart, 5th Edition, Published I. F.
                       Lehmann, Munich
                          Page 50.

The first man to receive the National Prize was Alfred
Rosenberg at the Party Diet in 1937, with the following

"Alfred Rosenberg has helped with his publications to lay
the scientific and intuitive foundation and to strengthen
the philosophy of National Socialism in the most excellent way. His
indefatigable struggle to keep National Socialist philosophy
pure was especially meritorious. Only future times will be
able to fully estimate the depth of the influence of this
man on the philosophical foundation of the National
Socialist Reich. The National Socialist movement, and beyond
that, the entire German people will be deeply gratified that
the Fuehrer has distinguished Alfred Rosenberg as one of his
oldest and most faithful fighting comrades by awarding him
the German National Prize".