The Holocaust Historiography Project

Translation of document 3533-PS

I hereby certify that I had the following positions and

(a) Member of the Nazi Party--1931-1945.

(b) (Personal economic adviser of Hitler--1931) did not

(c) Chief of Division of the Central Nazi Party Directorate
in charge of private economy, Munich. 1932. only a few

(d) Chairman of the Committee of the Nazi Party on Economic
Policy-December 1932 to January 1933.

(e) (Deputy Chairman of the Reich Economic Council of the
NSDAP1931). I don’t know that.*

(f) National Socialist Deputy to the Reichstag-July 1932 to
February 1933.

(g) Press Chief of the Reichsregierung-30 January 1933 to

(h) Under-Secretary of the Reich Ministry for Public
Enlightenment and Propaganda-1 March 1933 to 1937.

(i) Vice-president of the Reich Chamber of Culture-1933 to

(j) Member (and vice-president) of the Reich Senate for
Culture 1933-1945.*

(k) Vice-president of the Film Cedit Bank--1933.

(l) Chairman of the Administrative Council of the Board
concerning Advertising by German Business--1933-1937.

(m) Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Reich
Broadcasting Company--1933-1937.

(n) Reich and Prussian Minister of Economics--1938-1945.

(o) Member of the Prussian State Council--1938-1945.

(p) Chief Plenipotentiary for Economics--appointed 1938.
since December 1939 restricted to Ministry of Economics and

(q) President of German Reichsbank1-19 January 1939 to 1945.

(r) Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Deutsche
Golddiskontbank 1939-1945.

(s) Member of the Ministerial Council for the Defense of the
Reich 1939-1945.

(t) Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Continental

(u) Member of the Central Planning Board-September 1943 to

[signed] Sauter, lawyer

            I can only sign this document with the deletions
                                         and changes I made*
                                                     21 Dec.
                                       [signed] Walther Funk

*the interlineations and comments were inserted by Defendant
Funk; (  ) indicates parts deleted by Defendant Funk