The Holocaust Historiography Project

Translation of document 3530-PS

          [Das Deutsche Fuehrerlexikon] 1934/1935.


Reichsleiter of the NSDAP, Delegate of the Fuehrer for the
supervision of the ideological education of the NS movement.

                             Berlin, W 35, Margaretenstr. 17

Born: 12 January 1893 at Reval of a Baltic mercantile and
artisan family. Education: until 1910 Secondary School
[Oberrealschule] at Reval. Professional career: inter alia
studied from 1910 architecture at the Technical College
[Technische Hochschule] at Riga; after its transfer, at
Moscow; in January 1918 completed his studies with a first
degree diploma; return to Reval; in November 1918 first
lecture on the Jewish question; then travels to Germany in
order to enlighten the public regarding Bolshevism; 1919
collaboration with Dietrich Eckart; acquaintanceship with
Adolf Hitler; from 1921 editor of the “Voelkischer
Beobachter” until now; editor of the NS Monatshefte; 1930
Reichstag Deputy and representative of the foreign policy of
the movement; 1931 diplomatic journey to London; 1932/33 to
Rome and London; from April 1933 head of the Central
Department of the National-Socialist Party for Foreign
Policy; then appointed Reichsleiter; January * * * the
Fuehrer assigns him the supervision of the ideological
education of the NSDAP, of the German labour Front and all
politically coordinated Associations;
is one of the oldest champions of the movement (1919);
participant in the march to Coburg and the march to the
Feldherrnhalle; member of the Academy for German Law.
Special sphere of work, publications; foreign policy,
ideological question; produced, as first publication of the
movement, “Character, Principles and Aims of the NSDAP"; of
approximately 16 publications the following can be stressed:
"The World Policy of Freemasonry", “H.St. Chamberlain",
Characteristic Structure of National-Socialism”, “The Myth
of the Twentieth Century” (Edition 145000). “Blood and