The Holocaust Historiography Project

Translation of document 3522-PS

Konrad Henlein
Hof in Bavaria March 17, 1938

Dear comrade!

It is not possible to express the feelings which
the most fortunate turn of events has caused in us
all.  That you, dear comrade, as a born Sudeten
German in on of the most decisive hours in German
history, carried out so masterfully the mission
given you by the Fuehrer fills us with pride.

I express herewith the gratitude which comes from
the heart of the Sudeten Germandom.  Your
accomplishment, achieved in allegiance to the
Fuehrer, will have its effect upon our situation
in the next weeks.

I am looking forward to the day when after years I
can come to our beloved free German Austria.  I
hope then to be able to congratulate you

                                      Heil Hitler!

                       signed  your Konrad Henlein

To the Reichsstatthalter Seyss-Inquart