The Holocaust Historiography Project

Partial translation of document 3458-PS

       THE THIRD REICH-THE THIRD YEAR 1935 [Das Dritte
         [Reich] by Gerd Ruhle, Published by Hummel
                       1936, Page 257.

       Speech by Hermann Goering on 15 September 1935

God has created the races. He did not want equality and
therefore we energetically reject any attempt to falsify the
concept of race purity by making it equivalent with racial
equality. We have experienced what it means when a people
has to live in accordance with the laws of an equality that
are alien to its kind
and contrary to nature. For this equality does not exist. We
have never acknowledged such an idea and therefore must
reject it also, as a matter of principle, in our laws, and
we must acknowledge that purity of race which Nature and
Province have destined.