The Holocaust Historiography Project

Partial translation of document 3450-PS

Law of 18 November 1938 concerning the confiscation of
property of enemies of the people and the State in Austria.

On the basis of Article 3 of the Law concerning the re-union
of Austria with the German Reich of 13 March 1938
(Reichsgesetzblatt I p. 237) the following is decreed:


(1)  The Reichstatthalter [Austrian Governor] in Vienna or
  the office empowered by him can confiscate for the benefit
Austria property of persons or societies which have promoted
efforts inimical to the people of the State, as well as
articles and rights which were used or destined to promote
such efforts. The Reich Minister of the Interior or office
empowered by him to determine which efforts are to be
considered as inimical to the people of the State. After
conference with the Reich Commissar for the re-union of
Austria with the German Reich and with the consent of the
Reich Minister of the Interior, confiscation can also be
made in favor of another person as defined by the law.

(2)  The Reich Statthalter [Austrian Governor] in Vienna in
  consent with the Reich Commissar for the re-union of Austria
  with the German Reich disposed of the property confiscated
  in favor of Austria.

(7)  Confiscations which were ordered by the Secret State
  Police before this decree took effect are considered
  confiscations in the sense of this decree. Instead of
  Paragraph 6, the rules of Paragraphs 8 — 15 are valid for
  these confiscations.
