The Holocaust Historiography Project

Translation of document 3389-PS

        VOELKISCHER BEOBACHTER, 29 March 1933, Page 2

        [Official announcement by the Arch-Bishop of
                      Cologne, Cardinal
        Schulte, in behalf of the Bishops' Conference
                  at Fulda, 28 March 1933.]

The high shepherds of the dioceses of Germany in
their dutiful anxiety to keep the Catholic faith
pure and to protect the untouchable aims and
rights of the Catholic Church have adopted, for
profound reasons, during the last years, an
oppositional attitude toward the National
Socialist movement, through prohibitions and
warnings, which was to be in effect as long and as
far as those reasons remained valid.

It must be recognized that there are official and
solemn declarations issued by the highest
representative of the Reich government — who at the
same time is the authoritarian leader of that
movement — which acknowledge the inviolability of
the teachings of Catholic faith and the
unchangeable tasks and rights of the church and
which expressly assure the full value of the legal
pacts concluded between the various German States
[Laender] and the church.

Without lifting the condemnation of certain
religious and ethical errors implied in our
previous measures, the Episcopate now believes it
can entertain the confidence that those prescribed
general prohibitions and warnings may not be
regarded as necessary any more.
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