The Holocaust Historiography Project

Translation of document 3349-PS

        [Organisationsbuch der NSDAP], 1936 edition,
                      published by the
      Central Publishing House of the NSDAP, Franz Eher
              Successor, Munich, Pages 452-453.

       Press and Propaganda Office of the Hitler Youth

In the Press and Propaganda Office of the Reich
Youth Leadership, the entire press and propaganda
work of the Hitler Youth is concentrated.  Means
of propaganda are periodicals,
newspapers, pamphlets, moving pictures, short
films, placards, leaflets, etc.


The editor’s offices are connected with the Press
and Propaganda Office of the Reich Youth

The Reich Youth Leadership issues:

1. The “Reich Youth Press Service” [Reichsjugend-
Pressedienst, RJP].

2. The Reich Journal, “The HJ", [Reichszeitung,
Die HJ].

3. The Leader Organ of the National Socialist
Youth, “Will and Power” [Das Fuehrerorgan der
nationalsozialistischen Jugend “Wille und Macht"].

4. The periodical for social problems “The Young
Germany” [Die Zeitschrift fuer soziale Fragen,
"Das Junge Deutschland"] .

5. The illustrated periodical “The Fanfare” [Die
illustrierte Zeitschrift, “Die Fanfare"].

6. The periodical of the B.D.M. (Bund der
Deutschen Maedels), “The German Girl” [Das
Deutsche Maedel].

7. The periodical of the Young Folk [Jungvolk],
"Tomorrow” [Morgen].

8. The periodical of the deaf HJ, “The Fountain”
[Zeitschrift der gehoerlosen HJ, “Die Quelle"].

9. “The Glider Pilot", [Der Segelflieger].

10. “Music and Folk” [Musik und Volk].

11. The Periodical for Blind People, “The
Reveille” [Die Blindenzeitschrift, “Der Weckruf"].

The districts [Gebiete] issue:

1. “The Fanfare", [Die Fanfare] (Districts: Middle
Rhine, Kurhessen, Hessen-Nassau, West-Mark).

2. “The Young Elite” [Die Junge Garde] (District
5, Pommern).

3. “The Young Fellowship” [Die Junge Gefolgschaft]
(District 18, Franken).

4. “The Outpost” [Der Vorposten] (District 25,

5. “Young Will” [Junger Wille] (District 16,

6. “North Borderland Youth” [Nordmarkjugend]
(District 6, Nordmark).

7. “Reich-Storm-Flag” [Reichssturmfahne] (District
20, Wuerttemberg) .

8.   “The Storm Troop” [Der Sturmtrupp] (District 17,

9. “The Folk Youth” [Die Volksjugend (District 21,

10. “Our Flag” [Unsere Fahne] (District 9,

The RJP. is issued daily in an issue A with the
supplements “Youth Abroad” [Jugend im Ausland],
"Culture and Entertainment", [Kultur und
Unterhaltung], “Education” [Erziehung], “The
School” [Die Schule], “The Student” [Der Student],
"The Hitler Boy” [Der Hitlerjunge], “Young Folk”
[Jungvolk], “The German Girl” [Das Deutsche
Maedel], “HJ. Radio” [H.J. Funk], “Sport Service”
[Sportdienst], “Social Work” [Soziale Arbeit],
"Technique and Economy", Technik und Wirtschaft]
and “Country Youth” [Landjugend].

A weekly edition B represents a summary of the
daily editions. It is issued weekly on Wednesdays,
and another edition, C is issued on the second and
4th Thursday of each month for smaller newspapers.

The work of the Section Young Folk is distributed
to all fields of the office and serves the press
and propagandistic representation of the problems
of the Young Folk in the public by use of all
available possibilities.

The main section, propaganda, is organizationally
in permanent relation, through liaison officers,
with the Reich Ministry for People’s Enlightenment
and Propaganda and with the Reich Propaganda
Leadership of the NSDAP.