HHP Reference Library
Although this listing is neither complete nor up-to-date, it does show many of the Holocaust books held by the Holocaust Historiography Project. In addition to these works, we also have a complete set of The Journal of Historical Review and Nazi Conspiracy and Aggression (“Red Series”).
Author | Title | Publisher | Year |
1985 Scholars’ Conference on the Holocaust | Holocaust Forty Years After, The | Edwin Mellen Press | 1989 |
135633, Ka-tzetnik | Atrocity | Lyle Stuart | 1963 |
135633, Ka-tzetnik | House of Dolls, The | Simon and Schuster | 1955 |
135633, Ka-tzetnik | Star Eternal | Arbor House | 1971 |
Abrams, Alan | Special Treatment: The Untold Story of Hitler’s Third Race | Lyle Stuart | 1987 |
Abzug, Robert H | Inside the Vicious Heart | Oxford University Press, USA | 1987 |
Adelson, Alan, and Robert Lapides | Lodz Ghetto: Inside a Community Under Siege | Penguin (Non-Classics) | 1991 |
ADL | 1989 IHR Conference, The | Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith | 1990 |
Ainsztein, Reuben | Bialystock Ghetto Revolt, The | Crown Publishers | 1967 |
Andrus, Burton | I Was the Nuremberg Jailer | Coward-McCann, Inc | 1969 |
App, Austin | Straight Look at the Third Reich, A | Boniface Press | 1975 |
Arad, Yitzhak | Belzec, Sobibor, Treblinka | Indiana University Press | 1987 |
Arad, Yitzhak, Smuel Krakowski, and Shmuel Spector | Einsatzgruppen Reports, The | Unites States Holocaust | 1989 |
Arad, Yitzhak | Pictorial History of the Holocaust | MacMillan Publishing Company | 1992 |
Archer, Jules | Dictators, The | Hawthorn Books, Inc. | 1967 |
Arendt, Hannah | Eichmann in Jerusalem | The Viking Press | 1963 |
Aron, Isaac | Fallen leaves | Shengold Publishers | 1981 |
Aubrac, Lucie | Outwitting the Gestapo | University of Nebraska Press | 1993 |
Avey, Denis | Man Who Broke Into Auschwitz, The: A True Story of World War II | Da Capo Press | 2011 |
Bacque, James | Crimes & Mercies: The Fate of German Civilians Under Allied Occupation, 1944-1950 | Lb Canada | 1997 |
Bacque, James | Other Losses | Prima Lifestyles | 1994 |
Bacque, James | Other Losses: An Investigation into the Mass Deaths of German Prisoners at the Hands of the French and Americans After World War II | Stoddart Pub | 1989 |
Bailey, Thomas A., and Paul B. Ryan | Hitler vs. Roosevelt: The Undeclared Naval War | Free Press | 1979 |
Baker, Leonard | Days of Sorrow and Pain | Oxford University Press, USA | 1980 |
Ball, John C | Air Photo Evidence: Auschwitz, Treblinka, Majdanek, Sobibor, Bergen Belsen, Belzec, Babi Yar, Katyn Forest | Ball Resource Services Llimited | 1992 |
Bar-Zohar, Michael | Avengers, The | Hawthorn Books | 1967 |
Barnes, Harry Elmer | Barnes Trilogy, The: Three revisionist booklets | Institute for Historical Review | 1979 |
Bassett, Richard | Waldheim and Austria | Viking Adult | 1989 |
Bauer, Yehuda | History of the Holocaust, A | Franklin Watts | 1982 |
Bauer, Yehuda | Holocaust in historical perspective, The | University of Washington Press | 1978 |
Bauer, Yehuda | They Chose Life | The American Jewish Committee | 1973 |
Ben-Yehuda, Nachman | Political Assassinations by Jews: A Rhetorical Device for Justice | State University of New York Press | 1992 |
Benson, Ivor | Zionist Factor | Noontide Press | 1991 |
Bentwich, Norman | They Found Refuge | The Cresset Press | 1956 |
Benz, Wolfgang | Holocaust, The | Columbia University Press | 1999 |
Berenbaum, Michael | Mosaic of Victims, A | New York Univ Pr | 1992 |
Berenbaum, Michael | World Must Know, The: The History of the Holocaust as Told in the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum | The Johns Hopkins University Press | 2005 |
Berkman, Ted | Cast a Giant Shadow: The Story of Mickey Marcus, Who Died to Save Jerusalem | Doubleday & Company, Inc. | 1962 |
Berman, Aaron | Nazism, the Jews, and American Zionism, 1933-1948 | Wayne State University Press | 1990 |
Bernadac, Christian | Naked Puppets, The | Ferni Publishing House | 1978 |
Bernadac, Christian | Women’s Kommandos | Ferni Publishing House | 1978 |
Bernstein, Jack | Life of an American Jew in Racist Marxist Israel, The | Noontide Press | 1991 |
Bernstein, Victor H | Final Judgment: The story of Nuremberg | Latimer House | 1947 |
Bierman, John | Odyssey | Simon & Schuster | 1984 |
Block, Gay, and Malka Drucker | Rescuers: Portraits of Moral Courage in the Holocaust | Holmes & Meier Publishers | 1992 |
Boder, David | I Did Not Interview the Dead | The University of Illinois Press | 1949 |
Bor, Josef | Terezín Requiem, The | Alfred A. Knopf | 1963 |
Bower, Tom | Klaus Barbie, the Butcher of Lyons | Pantheon Books | 1984 |
Branch, Program Development and Implementation | Holocaust, The: A topic of study in history | Department of Education | |
Breitman, Richard | Architect of Genocide, The: Himmler and the Final Solution | Knopf | 1991 |
Breitman, Richard | Architect of Genocide, The | University Press of New England | 1992 |
Brenner, Lenni | Iron Wall, The: Zionist Revisionism from Jabotinsky to Shamir | Zed Books | 1984 |
Brenner, Lenni | Jews in America Today | L. Stuart | 1986 |
Brenner, Lenni | Zionism in the Age of the Dictators | Lawrence Hill & Co | 1983 |
Bresheeth, Haim, Stuart Hood, and Litza Jansz | Introducing The Holocaust | Totem Books | 1994 |
Britain, Foreign Office Great | British War Blue Book, The. Miscellaneous No. 9 (1939) Documents Concerning German-Polish Relations & the Outbreak of Hostilities | Farrar & Rinehart, New York | 1939 |
British People’s Party | Failure at Nuremberg | Legion for the Survival of Freedom | 1983 |
Brooke, et al | Judgment of the Ontario Court of Appeal (Regina v. Zündel), The | Samisdat Publishers | 1987 |
Buechner, Howard A | Dachau: The Hour of the Avenger | Thunderbird Pr | 1986 |
Bullock, Alan | Hitler A Study In Tyranny | Harper Row | 1958 |
Butz, Arthur R. | Hoax of the Twentieth Century, The | Noontide Press | 1977 |
Butz, Arthur R. | Hoax of the Twentieth Century, The: The Case Against the Presumed Extermination of European Jewry | Legion for the Survival of Freedom | 1976 |
Cargas, Harry J. | Shadows of Auschwitz | Crossroad Pub Co | 1990 |
Chartock, Roselle K., and Jack Spencer | Can It Happen Again?: Chronicles of the Holocaust | Black Dog & Leventhal Publishers | 1995 |
Chomsky, Noam | Fateful Triangle | South End Pr | 1984 |
Christie, Doug | Appellant’s Factum | Samisdat Publishers | 1985 |
Christie, Doug | Appellant’s Factum | Samisdat Publishers | 1988 |
Christophersen, Thies | Auschwitz: A personal account | Liberty Bell Publications | 1979 |
Christopherson, Thies | Auschwitz: Truth or lie | ||
Ciano, Conte Galeazzo | Ciano diaries, 1939-1943, The | Doubleday | 1946 |
Cobden, John | Dachau: Reality and Myth | Inst for Historical Review | 1994 |
Cobden, John | Dachau: Reality and myth in history | Publisher | 1991 |
Cohen, Elie A | Human Behavior in the Concentration Camp | Grosset & Dunlap | 1953 |
Congress, World Jewish, et al | Black Book, The | The Jewish Black Book Committee | 1946 |
Connors, Michael F. | Dealing in hate | Institute for Historical Review | 1966 |
Conot, Robert E | Justice at Nuremberg | Carroll & Graf Publishers | 1984 |
Conquest, Robert | Great Terror, The: Stalin’s Purges of the Thirties | Macmillan Company | 1968 |
Conquest, Robert | Harvest of Sorrow, The: Soviet Collectivization and the Terror-Famine | Oxford University Press, USA | 1986 |
Corti, Egon Caesar | Rise of The House of Rothschild, The | 1928 | |
Costello, John | Ten Days to Destiny: The Secret Story of the Hess Peace Initiative and British Efforts to Strike a Deal With Hitler | William Morrow & Co | 1991 |
Council, U.S. Holocaust Memorial | Fifty Years Ago | U.S. Holocaust Memorial Council | 1992 |
Council, United States Holocaust Memorial | Fifty Years Ago — In The Depths Of Darkness | U.S. Holocaust Memorial Council | 1992 |
Criminality, Office of United States Chief of Council for Prosecution of Axis | Nazi Conspiracy and Aggression, Opinion and Judgment | United States Government Printing Office | 1947 |
Criminality, Office of United States Chief of Council for Prosecution of Axis | Nazi Conspiracy and Aggression, Supplement A | United States Government Printing Office | 1947 |
Criminality, Office of United States Chief of Council for Prosecution of Axis | Nazi Conspiracy and Aggression, Supplement B | United States Government Printing Office | 1948 |
Criminality, Office of United States Chief of Council for Prosecution of Axis | Nazi Conspiracy and Aggression, Volume 1 | United States Government Printing Office | 1946 |
Criminality, Office of United States Chief of Council for Prosecution of Axis | Nazi Conspiracy and Aggression, Volume 2 | United States Government Printing Office | 1946 |
Criminality, Office of United States Chief of Council for Prosecution of Axis | Nazi Conspiracy and Aggression, Volume 3 | United States Government Printing Office | 1946 |
Criminality, Office of United States Chief of Council for Prosecution of Axis | Nazi Conspiracy and Aggression, Volume 4 | United States Government Printing Office | 1946 |
Criminality, Office of United States Chief of Council for Prosecution of Axis | Nazi Conspiracy and Aggression, Volume 5 | United States Government Printing Office | 1946 |
Criminality, Office of United States Chief of Council for Prosecution of Axis | Nazi Conspiracy and Aggression, Volume 6 | United States Government Printing Office | 1946 |
Criminality, Office of United States Chief of Council for Prosecution of Axis | Nazi Conspiracy and Aggression, Volume 7 | United States Government Printing Office | 1946 |
Criminality, Office of United States Chief of Council for Prosecution of Axis | Nazi Conspiracy and Aggression, Volume 8 | United States Government Printing Office | 1946 |
Cummins, Paul F. | Dachau Song | Peter Lang Publishing | 1992 |
Czech, Danuta | Auschwitz Chronicle, The | I.B. Tauris | 1990 |
Dabringhaus, Erhard | Klaus Barbie | Acropolis Books (NY) | 1984 |
Dacey, Norman F. | Democracy in Israel | Legion for the Survival of Freedom | 1976 |
Dafni, Reuven, and Yehubit Kleiman | Final Letters | Weidenfeld Nicolson | 1991 |
Dawidowicz, Lucy S | War against the Jews, 1933-1945, The | Holt, Rinehart and Winston | 1975 |
Dawidowicz, Lucy S | From That Place and Time | W W Norton & Co Inc | 1989 |
Dawidowicz, Lucy S | Holocaust and the Historians, The | Harvard University Press | 1983 |
Dedijer, Vladimir | Yugoslav Auschwitz and the Vatican, The | Prometheus Books | 1992 |
Degrelle, Leon | Campaign in Russia: The Waffen SS on the Eastern Front | Noontide Press | 1985 |
Degrelle, Leon | Hitler: Born at Versailles | Legion for the Survival of Freedom | 1987 |
Delbo, Charlotte | None of Us Will Return | Beacon Press | 1968 |
Distel, Barbara, and Ruth Jakusch | Concentration camp Dachau, 1933-1945 | Comité International de Dachau | 1978 |
Distel, Barbara | Dachau Concentration Camp | Comité International de Dachau | 1972 |
Dobroszycki, Lucjan | Chronicle of the Lodz Ghetto, 1941-1944, The | Yale University Press | 1987 |
Donat, Alexander | Holocaust Kingdom, The | Rinehart and Winston | 1965 |
Donovan, John | Eichmann: Man of slaughter | Avon | 1960 |
Douglas, Gregory | Gestapo Chief : The 1948 Interrogation of Heinrich Muller, Volume 1 | R. James Bender Publishing | 1996 |
Dwork, Deborah, and Robert Jan Van Pelt | Auschwitz: 1270 To the Present | W. W. Norton & Company | 1996 |
Elmhurst, Ernest | World Hoax, The | Publisher | 1938 |
Epstein, and Philip Rosen | Dictionary of the Holocaust: Biography, Geography, and Terminology | Greenwood Press | 1997 |
Epstein, Helen | Children of the Holocaust | G.P. Putnam’s Sons | 1979 |
Evans, Richard J | In Hitler’s Shadow | Pantheon | 1989 |
Ezrahi, Sidra Dekoven | By Words Alone | Univ of Chicago Pr (Tx) | 1980 |
Fein, Helen | Accounting for Genocide | Free Press | 1979 |
Felderer, Ditlieb | Anne Frank’s diary — A hoax | Institute for Historical Review | 1979 |
Fenelon, Fania | Playing for Time | Atheneum | 1977 |
Findley, Paul | They Dare to Speak Out | Lawrence Hill Books | 1989 |
Fine, Ellen S | Legacy of Night, the Literary Universe of Elie Wiesel | State Univ of New York Pr | 1982 |
Finger, Seymour Maxwell | American Jewry During the Holocaust | Holmes & Meier Publishers | 1984 |
Finkelstein, Norman G | Holocaust Industry, The: Reflections on the Exploitation of Jewish Suffering | Verso | 2000 |
Flaim, Richard F. | Holocaust and Genocide | Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith | 1983 |
Flaim, Richard F. | Holocaust and Genocide: A Search for Conscience, a Curriculum Guide | Anti Defamation League of Bnai | 1983 |
Fleming, Gerald | Hitler and the Final Solution | H Hamilton | 1985 |
Ford, Corey | Donovan of OSS | Little, Brown | 1970 |
Ford, Henry | International Jew, The | ||
Forster, Arnold | Measure of Freedom, A | Doubleday | 1950 |
Forster, Arnold, and Benjamin Epstein | Troublemakers, The | Doubleday | 1952 |
Frank, Anne | Anne Frank | Doubleday & Company | 1967 |
Frank, Otto M | Anne Frank: The Diary of a Young Girl — The Definitive Edition | Doubleday | 1995 |
Frankl, Viktor Emil | Man’s Search for Meaning | Beacon Press | 1962 |
Franklin, Thomas | American in Exile, An | Christopher Kaylor Co | 1987 |
Freedman, Benjamin | Facts are facts | Publisher | 1954 |
Friedlander, Albert | Out of the Whirlwind | Union of American Hebrew Congregations | 1968 |
Friedlander, Saul | Nazi Germany and the Jews: Volume 1: The Years of Persecution 1933-1939 | HarperCollins | 1997 |
Friedman, Arnold | Death was our destiny | Vantage Press | 1972 |
Friedman, Ina R | Escape or Die | Addison-Wesley Pub (Sd) | 1982 |
Friedman, Robert I | False Prophet, The | Faber and Faber | 1990 |
Friedman, Tuviah | Hunter, The | Doubleday & Company | 1961 |
Friedman, Tuviah, and David C. Gross | Nazi Hunter Tuviah Friedman: Summary of My 42 Years of Hunting Nazis | Institute for the Documentation of Nazi War Crimes | 1987 |
Friedrich, Otto | Kingdom of Auschwitz, The: 1940-1945 | Harper Perennial | 1994 |
Furet, Francois | Unanswered Questions | Schocken | 1989 |
Gabor, Ebi | Blood Tattoo, The | Monument Press | 1987 |
Gabor, Georgia M | My Destiny: Survivor of the Holocaust | Amen Pub Co | 1981 |
Gaer, Joseph | Legend of the Wandering Jew, The | A Mentor Book | 1961 |
Gallagher, Richard | Nuremberg: The Third Reich on trial | Avon | 1961 |
Garaudy, Roger | Founding Myths of Modern Israel, The | Inst for Historical Review | 2008 |
Garcia, Max R | As Long As I Remain Alive | Portals Pr | 1979 |
Garlinski, Jozef | Fighting Auschwitz | Fontana Collins | 1978 |
Gellert, Charles Lawrence (compiler) | Holocaust, Israel, and the Jews, The: Motion Pictures in the National Archives | National Archives Trust Fund Board | 1990 |
Gerard, James W | Face to Face With Kaiserism | Hodder & Stoughton | 1952 |
Gerber, Albert Benjamin | Life of Adolf Hitler, Der Fuehrer’s Complete Story, The | Mercury | 1961 |
Gilbert, Martin | Atlas of the Holocaust | William Morrow | 1993 |
Gilbert, Martin | Final Journey | Smithmark Pub | 1980 |
Gilbert, Martin | Holocaust, The: A history of the Jews of Europe during the Second World War | Henry Holt & Co | 1986 |
Gill, Anton | Journey Back from Hell, The | Avon Books (P) | 1990 |
Glatstein, Jacob, Israel Knox, and Samuel Margoshes | Anthology of Holocaust Literature | The Jewish Publication Society of America | 1969 |
Glock, Charles, Gertrude Selznick, and Joe Spaeth | Apathetic Majority, The | Harper Torchbooks | 1970 |
Goebbels, Joseph | Communism With the Mask Off | Noontide Press | 1989 |
Goebbels, Joseph | Final Entries 1945 | G.P. Putnam’s Sons | 1978 |
Goebbels, Joseph | Goebbels Diaries 1942-1943, The | Doubleday & Company | 1948 |
Goldmann, Nahum | Autobiography of Nahum Goldmann, The | Holt, Rinehart and Winston | 1969 |
Goralski, Robert | World War II Almanac 1931-1945 | Random House Value Publishing | 1987 |
Gotfryd, Bernard | Anton the Dove Fancier | Washington Square Press | 1990 |
Gray, Martin, and Max Gallo | For Those I Loved | Little Brown Company | 1984 |
Grayzel, Solomon | History of the Jews, A | Signet | 1968 |
Green, Stephen | Living by the Sword: America and Israel in the Middle East, 1968-87 | Amana Books | 1988 |
Grimstad, Bill | Six Million Reconsidered, The | Legion for the Survival of Freedom | 1977 |
Grimstad, William | Antizion | Noontide Press | 1985 |
Grobman, Alex (editor) | Genocide, Critical Issues of the Holocaust: A Companion to the film, Genocide | Rossel Books | 1983 |
Grobman, Alex, and Daniel Landes | Genocide: Critical issues of the Holocaust | Simon Wiesenthal Center | 1983 |
Gross, Leonard | Last Jews in Berlin, The | Simon and Schuster | 1982 |
Grunberger, Richard | 12-Year Reich, The: A Social History of Nazi Germany, 1933-1945 | Henry Holt & Co | 1971 |
Guderian, Heinz | Panzer Leader | Noontide Press / Legion for Survival of Freedom | 1988 |
Gunther, John | Inside Europe | Harper & Brothers | 1938 |
Gutman, Yisrael, Israel Gutman, and Michael Berenbaum | Anatomy of the Auschwitz Death Camp | Indiana University Press | 1994 |
Gutman, Yisrael | Denying the Holocaust | Shazar Library | |
de Haas, Jacob | Encyclopedia of Jewish Knowledge, The | Behrman’s Jewish Book House | 1938 |
Hackett, David A | Buchenwald Report, The | Basic Books | 1995 |
Hadawi, Sami | Bitter Harvest, Palestine Between 1914-1979 | Caravan Books | 1979 |
Halbreich, Siegfried | Before — During — After | Vantage Press | 1991 |
Halow, Joseph | Innocent at Dachau | Legion for the Survival of Freedom | 1993 |
Harris, Whitney | Tyranny on Trial | Southern Methodist University Press | 1954 |
Hart, Kitty | I Am Alive | Abelard-Schuman | 1961 |
Harwood, Richard | Nuremberg and Other War Crimes Trials | Historical Review Press | 1978 |
Harwood, Richard | Six Million Lost And Found | Historical Review Press | |
Hashoah, Beit | Museum of Tolerance | Simon Wiesenthal Center | |
Hausner, Gideon | Justice in Jerusalem | Harper & Row | 1966 |
Hay, Peter | Ordinary Heroes | Putnam Adult | 1986 |
Heiden, Konrad | Der Führer | Lexington Press, distributed by Houghton Mifflin | 1944 |
Heimler, Eugene | Night of the Mist | The Vanguard Press | 1959 |
Heinz, Heinz A. | Germany’s Hitler | Preuss | 1976 |
Helmreich, William B | Against All Odds: Holocaust Survivors & the Successful Lives They Made America | Simon & Schuster | 1992 |
Hess, Wolf Rudiger | My Father Rudolf Hess | Star Bks. | 1987 |
Hilberg, Raul | Destruction of the European Jews | Holmes & Meier Publishers | 1985 |
Hilberg, Raul | Destruction of the European Jews, The | Quadrangle Books | 1961 |
Hilberg, Raul | Destruction of the European Jews, The | Holmes & Meier Publishers | 1985 |
Hilberg, Raul | Documents of Destruction | Quadrangle Books | 1971 |
Hilberg, Raul | Perpetrators Victims Bystanders: The Jewish Catastrophe, 1933-1945 | Harpercollins | 1992 |
Hill, Mavis Millicent, and L. Norman Williams | Auschwitz in England | MacGibbon & Kee | 1965 |
Hillesum, Etty | Interrupted Life | Washington Square Press | 1985 |
Hitler, Adolf | Mein Kampf | Tab Books | 1999 |
Hochhuth, Rolf | Deputy, The | New York: Grove Press, 1964 | 1964 |
Hoess, Rudolf, and Steven Paskuly | Death Dealer | Prometheus Books | 1992 |
Hoffman, Michael, and A.W. Mann | Tales of the Holohoax | Wiswell Ruffin House | 1989 |
Hoggan, David | Myth Of The Six Million, The | Noontide Press | 1969 |
Holliday, Laurel | Children in the Holocaust and World War II: Their secret Diaries | Atria | 1995 |
Hurley, Andrew J. | Holocaust II? Saving Israel from Suicide | Mission Publishing Company | 1991 |
Hoffman, Michael A. | Great Holocaust Trial, The | Inst for Historical Review | 1985 |
Hoffman, Michael A. | Great Holocaust Trial, The | Inst. for Historical Review | 1995 |
Irving, David | Apocalypse 1945 | Focal Point Publications | 1995 |
Irving, David | Goebbels: Mastermind of the Third Reich | Focal Point Publications | 1997 |
Irving, David | Hess | HarperCollins Publishers | 1989 |
Irving, David | Hitler’s War and the War Path | World War II Books | 2002 |
Irving, David | Nuremberg: The Last Battle | Focal Point Publications | 1996 |
Irving, David | Goring: A Biography | William Morrow & Co | 1989 |
Jacobs, Benjamin | Dentist of Auschwitz, The: A Memoir | Scholarly Book Services Inc | 2002 |
Jaworski, Leon | After Fifteen Years | Gulf Publishing | 1961 |
John, Robert | Behind the Balfour Declaration | Institute for Historical Review | 1988 |
Jones, Mitchell | Leuchter Report: A Dissection, The | 21st Century Logic | 1995 |
Justman, Stewart | Jewish Holocaust for Beginners, The | Writers & Readers Publishing | 1995 |
Kahane, Meir | Never again!: A program for survival | Pyramid Books | 1972 |
Kahane, Meir | Time to go Home | Nash Publishing | 1972 |
Kantor, Alfred | Book of Alfred Kantor, The | McGraw-Hill Book Company | 1971 |
Kaplan, Chaim Aron | Scroll of Agony | Macmillan Company | 1965 |
Kaufman, Theodore N. | Germany must perish! | Liberty Bell Publications | 1980 |
Keeling, Ralph | Gruesome Harvest | Liberty Bell Publications | 1978 |
Kelley, Douglas M. | 22 Cells in Nuremberg | Greenberg | 1947 |
Keneally, Thomas | Schindler’s List | Simon & Schuster | 1982 |
Kessel, Sim | Hanged at Auschwitz | Stein and Day | 1972 |
Kevin, Pawlowicz, Sala; Klose, | I Will Survive | W.W. Norton & Company | 1962 |
Kielar, Wiesaw | Anus Mundi | Times Books | 1980 |
Kinnaird, Clark | This must not happen again! | Pilot Press — distributed by Howell, Soskin, Inc. | 1945 |
Klarsfeld, Beate | Wherever they may be! | Vanguard Press | 1975 |
Klarsfeld, Serge | Holocaust and the Neo-Nazi Mythomania, The | The Beate Klarsfeld Foundation | 1978 |
Klee, Ernst, Willi Dressen, and Wolker Riess | Good Old Days, The | The Free Press | 1988 |
Klein, Gerda Weissmann | All But My Life | Hill and Wang | 1995 |
Knowlton, James | Forever in the Shadow of Hitler?: Original Documents of the Historikerstreit, the Controversy Concerning the Singularity of the Holocaust | Humanities Press Intl | 1993 |
Koestler, Arthur | Thirteenth Tribe, The | Random House | 1976 |
Kogan, Eugen | Theory and Practice of Hell | Berkley Publishing Group | 1984 |
Kogon, Eugen, Mermann Langbein, and Adalbert Rückerl | Nazi Mass Murder | Yale University Press | 1994 |
Kohn, Murray J | Voice of my blood cries out, The | Shengold Publishers | 1979 |
Koll, Michael | Der Leuchter Kongress | Samisdat Publishers | 1991 |
Kolsky, Thomas | Jews Against Zionism | Temple University Press | 1992 |
Koren, Yehuda, Eilat Negev | Giants: The Dwarfs of Auschwitz | MJF Books | 2013 |
Korman, Gerd | Hunter and Hunted | The Viking Press | 1973 |
Kotlar, Helen | We Lived in a Grave | Shengold Pub | 1980 |
Kowalski, Isaac | Secret Press in Nazi Europe, A | Central Guide Publishers | 1969 |
Kulaszka, Barbara | Did Six Million Really Die? Report of the Evidence in the Canadian False News Trial of Ernst Zundel — 1988 | Samisdat Publishers, Ltd. | 1992 |
Kuper, Leo, and Ieo Kuper | Genocide: Its Political Use in the Twentieth Century | Yale Univ Pr | 1982 |
Kuperstein, Isaiah | Directory of Holocaust Institutions 1988 | Unites States Holocaust | 1988 |
Kuznetsov, Anatoli | Babi Yar | Farrar, Straus and Giroux | 1970 |
Lacey, Robert | Ford: The Men and the Machine | Little Brown & Co (T) | 1986 |
Lagnado, Lucette Matalon, and Sheila Cohn Dekel | Children of the Flames | Penguin Books | 1992 |
Lambert, Gilles | Operation Hazalah | Bobbs-Merrill Company | 1974 |
Landwehr, Richard | Frontfighters | Roger Hunt Publisher | 1986 |
Lane, Arthur Bliss | I Saw Poland Betrayed: An American ambassador reports to the American people | Western Islands | 1965 |
von Lang, Jochen | Eichmann Interrogated | Farrar, Straus & Giroux | 1983 |
Langer, Lawrence L | Art from the Ashes: A Holocaust Anthology | Oxford University Press, USA | 1995 |
Langer, Lawrence L | Holocaust Testimonies | Yale Univ Pr | 1991 |
Lanzmann, Claude | Shoah | Pantheon | 1985 |
Laqueur, Walter, and Richard Breitman | Breaking the Silence | Simon & Schuster | 1986 |
Laqueur, Walter, and Richard Breitman | Breaking the Silence: The German Who Exposed the Final Solution. | Brandeis | 1994 |
Lazare, Bernard | Antisemitism, its history and causes | Britons | 1967 |
Lee, George | Holocaust | Mark Twain Media | 1998 |
Lee, Martin A | Beast Reawakens, The | Little Brown & Co (T) | 1997 |
Leibovitz, Shirley, and Greta Bishop | Enduring Spirit, The: The Inspiring True Story of a Holocaust Survivor | Gildith Pr | 1993 |
Leitner, Isabella, and Irving A. Leitner | Isabella: From Auschwitz to Freedom | Anchor | 1994 |
Lengyel, Olga | I Survived Hitler’s Ovens | Avon Publications | 1947 |
Lenski, Robert | Holocaust on Trial, The | Reporter Press | 1989 |
Lenz, Friedrich | German traitors and treason prior and during World War II | Samisdat Pubishers | 1952 |
Leuchter, Fred A. | Inside the Auschwitz ‘Gas Chambers’ | ||
Leuchter, Fred A. | Leuchter Report 1, The | David Clark | 1988 |
Leuchter, Fred A. | Leuchter Report 2, The | ||
Leuchter, Fred A. | Leuchter Report 3, The | ||
Leuchter, Fred A. | Leuchter Report 4, The | ||
Levi, Primo | If not now, when? | Penguin Books | 1986 |
Levi, Primo | Moments of reprieve | Penguin Books | 1987 |
Levi, Primo | Survival in Auschwitz | Collier Books | 1987 |
Levin, Nora | Holocaust, The | Thomas Y. Crowell | 1968 |
Lifton, Robert Jay | Nazi Doctors, The: Medical Killing and the Psychology of Genocide | Basic Books | 2000 |
Lilienthal, Alfred M | Zionist Connection II, The | Concord Books | 1983 |
Lindwer, Willy | Last Seven Months of Anne Frank, The | Pantheon | 1991 |
Linenthal, Edward T | Preserving Memory: The Struggle to Create America’s Holocaust Museum | Viking Adult | 1995 |
Lipstadt, Deborah E | Beyond Belief | Free Press | 1985 |
Lipstadt, Deborah E | Denying the Holocaust | Free Press | 1993 |
Littell, Franklin Hamlin | Hyping the Holocaust | Cummings & Hathaway | 1997 |
Livingston, Sigmund | Must men hate? | Crane Press | 1944 |
Lookstein, Haskel | Were We Our Brothers’ Keepers? | Media Judaica | 1985 |
Lustig, Arnost | Night and Hope | Avon Books | 1976 |
Malcolm, James A | Origins of the Balfour Declaration | Inst for Historical Review | 1983 |
Malkin, Peter Z., and Harry Stein | Eichmann in My Hands | Warner Books | 1990 |
Marcus, Jacob R | Rise and Destiny of the German Jew, The | Union of American Hebrew Congregations | 1934 |
Marks, Jane | Hidden Children, The: Coming to Terms with the Traumatic Legacy of World War II | Fawcett | 1993 |
Marrus, Michael R | Holocaust in History, The | Univ Pr of New England | 1987 |
Marsden, Victor | Protocols of the Meetings of the Learned Elders of Zion, The | Publisher | 1934 |
Martin, James Joseph | Man Who Invented Genocide, The: The Public Career and Consequences of Raphael Lemkin | Institute for Historical Review | 1984 |
Mattogno, Carlo | Auschwitz: The end of a legend | ||
Mattogno, Carlo | Crematories of Auschwitz, The: A critique of Jean-Claude Pressac | Granat Publishing | 1995 |
Mayer, Arno J | Why Did the Heavens Not Darken? | Pantheon | 1990 |
McCalden, David | Exiles from History | First Amendment Exercise Machine | 1992 |
McClatchie, Stanley | Look to Germany, the heart of Europe | Published by H. Hoffman | 1937 |
McDonald, Jim | John Demjanjuk: The Real Story | Amana Publications | 1990 |
McKee, Alexander | Dresden 1945 | HarperCollins Publishers Ltd | 1983 |
McLaughlin, Michael | Death of a City | Phoenix Publications | 1982 |
McLaughlin, Michael, and Erich Gritzbach | Hermann Goering the Man and His Work | Legion for the Survival of Freedom | 1986 |
Mechanicus, Philip | Waiting for Death | Calder and Boyars | 1968 |
Mechanicus, Philip | Year of Fear | Hawthorn Books | 1968 |
Mee, Charles L | Meeting at Potsdam | Andre Deutsch Ltd | 1975 |
Melchior, Ib | Quest: Searching for Germany’s Nazi Past — A Young Man’s Story | Presidio | 1990 |
Meltzer, Milton | Never to Forget | HarperCollins | 1991 |
Menuhin, Moshe | Decadence of Judaism in our Time, The | The Institute for Palestine Studies | 1969 |
Mermelstein, Mel | By Bread Alone | Crescent Publications | 1979 |
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