The Holocaust Historiography Project

'Holocaust Deception' Makes Waves in Turkey

A new revisionist book in Turkey has been receiving both warm praise and sharp criticism. Published in Istanbul, Soykirim Yalani ("Holocaust Deception") is the first book-length dissident study of the Holocaust issue to appear in the nation of some 64 million people.

The handsomely produced 285-page softcover work, subtitled “The Secret History of the Zionist-Nazi Collaboration and the True Story of the 'Jewish Holocaust,'” is an attractively laid out volume, with numerous photographs, nine pages of source reference notes, an eight-page bibliography, and a good index. A second edition, with an English-language supplement, is scheduled for publication soon.

The book has received praise from Turkish newspapers affiliated with the country’s Islamist Welfare Party, whose leader is the country’s prime minister. At the same time, “Holocaust Deception” has come under fire from pro-Zionist sources. The author, who wrote the book under the pen name of Harun Yahya, has brought a defamation suit against a journalist who denounced “Holocaust Deception” as “dirty propaganda.” His lawyer points out that this serious study is based on extensive research and more than 100 documents in four languages.

The book’s first section explores in detail the little-known story of collaboration between Zionists and Third Reich Germany, relying in part on an article on this subject in the June-August 1993 issue of this Journal.

Holocaust deception and fraud is the focus of the book’s second section, which relies to a considerable extent on books and other material put out by the Institute for Historical Review, including the IHR Journal. This section traces the development and impact of Holocaust revisionism, showing how revisionist scholars have succeeded in debunking numerous Holocaust claims. Accompanying this detailed survey of revisionist scholarship are photographs of such key personalities as Henri Roques, Fred Leuchter, Germar Rudolf, Arthur Butz, David Irving and Robert Faurisson.

The extensive efforts by Zionist groups, both legal and extra-legal, to suppress revisionism are also detailed. For example, readers are told how the large-circulation Japanese magazine Marco Polo was shut down in early 1995 because it had published an article questioning aspects of the Holocaust extermination story. Photographs in this section show Dr. Faurisson in his hospital bed following the nearly fatal attack against him in September 1989, and the devastated IHR offices in the aftermath of the July 1984 arson attack.

Zionism’s “ingathering of the exiles” efforts is the focus of the book’s third section, which details the dirty tricks and underhanded measures used by Israeli officials to pressure diaspora Jews into emigrating to Israel.

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