The Holocaust Historiography Project

From the Editor

THE FORTIETH ANNIVERSARY last year of the Pearl Harbor disaster saw the publication within a short span of time of no less than three substantial books all claiming to shed important new fight on the subject. Only one of them really did — John Toland’s Infamy. Percy L. Greaves, Jr. — an authority who knows probably more than any other alive what really brought on the attack and subsequent cover-up of the facts — reviews in this issue the three books, lending his expertise to the resolution of a controversy in which revisionism has clearly emerged the winner.

It appears the “Faurisson Affair” is still not over, at least according to Arthur R. Butz. In this issue Dr. Butz reviews two relatively new French publications that appraise Professor Faurisson’s past and possibly future trials from a refreshing perspective: in support for the man who dared announce publicly that “The alleged gassings and the alleged Jewish genocide are only one and the same historical lie … “

Next we have Dr. James J. Martin’s amicable tribute to the most widely read and ultimately valuable revisionist historian this century has known: Charles Austin Beard.

Golda Meier once remarked in response to a direct question: “What Palestinians?” And others of her peculiar frame of mind still strive for total obfuscation despite the fact that many thousands fewer Palestinians are alive today than were three months ago. Issah Nakhleh, a long time Palestinian diplomat, gives us the advantage of his years of experience with Palestine, its indigenous peoples and the roots of the current holocaust being leveled against them.

The name of the late Senator from Georgia, Tom Watson, has been sullied by just about every scrap of slanderous garbage the ubiquitous “Anti"-Defamation League has been able to sling since his death in 1922. Thus “The Sage of Hickory Hill” has become immensely interesting. Thomas Henry Irwin has spent years studying the Watson phenomenon, and here reveals some of the essence of a man whose political and cultural designs consistently included two of the more elusive qualities of popular statecraft: Honesty and Wisdom.

A now almost forgotten article appeared in a 1943 issue of The American Mercury which shed considerable light on the historic Rudolf Hess peace flight. Mark Weber re-introduces that article here, pointing out a few salient features which perhaps earmarked it as unfit for public consumption once the post-war historical blackout was ordained and fully operative.

Finally, please join us in welcoming a new member to our Editorial Advisory Committee: George Ashley. Dr. Ashley, a history instructor in the Los Angeles public schools, reaped a whirlwind of local Zionist abuse last May when he answered a student’s query by stating his conviction that “Accounts of Jewish deaths during the Holocaust are greatly exaggerated.”