The Holocaust Historiography Project
Auschwitz, by J.-C. Pressac
Photo 10 Photo 10
[PMO neg. no. 20995/508]

\Photo 10
Photo 10a

Photo 10
[PMO neg. no. 20995/508]
The south side and east end of Krematorium V. partly hidden by birch trees. Because of their location on he edge of the Birch Wood, Krematorien IV and V were called “the forest Krematorien”. The trees limit the possibilities for historical exploitation of this photgraph. probably taken in May-June 1943. The traces of soot on the chimneys are not so pronounced as on Krematorium IV The place marked on the labelled photograph by a black dot is where the four Hungarian Jews of Photo 14 were standing in May-June 1944.

Translation of inscriptions:
· Le Krematorium V ou BW 30c /
Krematorium V or BW 30c
· Façades sud ci est, mai-juin 1943 /
South side and east end, May-June 1943
· (livré par la Bauleitung en état de marche le 4 avril 1943) /
(handed over by the Bauleitung in working order on 4th April 1943)
· Chambres à gaz /
Gas chambers
· Entrée des inaptes / Entrance for the “unfit for work”
· Vestibule
· Endroit présumé où se tenaient les 4 inaptes hongrois devant le Kr V /
Presumed spot where the 4 Hungarian victims were standing in front of Krematorium V
· Chimenées /
· Porte d'accès et fenêtres de la salle du four à 8-creusets /
Entrance door and windows of' the furnace room with its 8 muffles
· Pièce des SS /
SS room
· Entrée /
· Cokerie /
Coke store