The Holocaust Historiography Project
Auschwitz, by J.-C. Pressac
Document 13

Document 13
Fragment of an aerial photograph of Krematorien IV and V (left) taken on 21st December 1944. To the north and west of Krematorium V, a white patch compared with the grey of the ground, is the emplacement of the cremation ditches, filled in as at this date, dug almost side by side. The 8-muffle furnace of Krematorium V was not in operation that day, and the only rooms occupied (snow melted on the roof) were the coal store (now used as accommodation for the remaining 30 members of the Sonderkommando) and the doctor’s room (now a kitchen). Below this, the concrete foundation slab of the demolished Krematorium IV is completely covered by snow. The location of a watchtower to the north of Krematorium V is unfortunately covered by the inscription “Gas chamber V”.

Document 14 Document 14

Survey by the author of the traces left by the explosions that demolished Krematorium V

Translation or the inscriptions:
· (peu visible … /
Scarcely visible. the wall having been rebuilt over it)
· Emplacement des charges … /
Location of the explosive charges laid in Birkenau Krematorium V by the SS at the end of January 1945.
· La mise a feu … /
All these charges were detonated simultaneously according to the testimony of Dr Wolken.
· (la charge 9 … /
(charge 9 was a very large one)
· plaque de beton… /
concrete slab with coke

Document 15
The western end and south side of Krematorium IV.
(Sketch by the author)
Document 15