The Holocaust Historiography Project
Auschwitz, by J.-C. Pressac
Document 24:
Translation of the photocopy of page 116 of PMO file BW 30/34 ["Krematorium II und III/BW 30 und 30a”, Schriftwechsel Buchstube 215 (microfilm 1060)].

Document 24

Correspondence register no 715 ?/41 Ho. 22nd October 1941
Subject: Order for three-muffle Topf furnaces, suction type forced draught installation and waste incinerators.
Reference: Conversation between our Director of construction K. Bischoff and your Mr. Prüfer.
Messrs. J. Topf & Sons,
The Auschwitz Waffen-SS and Police Construction Management, referring to the conversation between your Mr. Prüfer and our construction Director K. Bischoff, hereby orders:
5 Topf three-muffle furnaces with pulsed air installations
2 Topf suction-type forced draught installations, each of approximately 10,000m³ per hour
1 Topf waste incinerator.
With the furnaces you are to deliver all the refractory and insulating materials, as well as all cast iron components, ducting and pulsed air components. The Construction Management here will supply the other materials necessary for building the furnaces, such as bricks, sand, lime and cement and the wrought iron anchoring components.

For this order we would ask you to furnish a detailed quotation whose prices will be the basis for the contract. We should also like a quotation for air extraction systems for the two corpse cellars, the dissecting room and the furnace room.

This project being urgent, we would ask you to immediately draw the plans for the foundation of the furnaces and associated flues and channels and submit these drawings to the Bauleitung within 14 days.

The furnace components listed above shall be delivered within three months.

In about 8 weeks you shall make available to our Bauleitung one of your fitters who will supervise the building of the foundations.

Mr. Prüfer has already been given two drawings concerning this project. On the basis of these drawings, you are to furnish the Bauleitung with data concerning the required section and height of the chimney.
For Second-Lieutenant Janish [copy of BW 30/27]
For Second-Lieutenant Kirschnek [copy of BW 30/34]

There are two copies of this letter, one for Janisch, the other for Kirschnek. both Bauleitung Untersturmführer (SS Second Lieutenant). The respective references of these letters are:

-- BW 30/27, page 27;

-- BW 30/34. page 116, microfilm 1060.

This letter is the first concerning the installation of what was to become the future Birkenau Krematorium II, but was at that time planned as a new Krematorium at the main camp. No “criminal premeditation” can be attributed to the ventilation, since it concerns BOTH corpse cellars, the dissecting room and the furnace room.