The Holocaust Historiography Project
Auschwitz, by J.-C. Pressac
HUTA DRAWING 109/16A OF 9/10/43 [Regularization]
[PMO Archives file BW 30a/16, neg. no. 20922/8]
Bauherr: Waffen SS u. Polizei Auschwitz / Auschwitz Waffen SS and police
Betr,: Krematorium 2 (3) / Subject: Krematorium 2 (3) [II and III]
Erdgeschoß u. Schnitte / Ground floor and sections
Technical no. 109, Sheet 16a
Project 7015
Scale 1:100

Translation of inscriptions:
· Schnitt / Section
· Querschnitt dd. Keller / Leichenkeller cross-sections
Inscriptions on the ground floor plan:
· Im Keller Vollmauerwerk / Built into the basement wall brickwork [refers to the air extraction ducting
for Leichenkeller 2]
· Im Dachgeschoß / In the roof space [refers to the chimney containing the four air outlets on the
· Leichenkeller 2;
· dissecting and washing room;
· furnace room;
· Leichenkeller 1]
Section l m:
· Kellerdecke /Basement roof
Section i k
· Betonplatten / Concrete slabs
· Decke über Erdgeschoß / Ceiling over ground floor
Underneath the Huta identification block:
· Bemerkung / Note:
· Die in () Kalmmern eingegebenen [?] Zahlen beziehen sich auf Krema 3 / The figures in round brackets refer to Krematorium III

Huta drawing 109/16 concerns both Krematorium II and III. In producing it, Huta used the following Bauleitung drawings:
· Section a b: 934;
· Basement cross-section: Leichenkeller 2 (above) and 1 (below): 934;
· Section e f: probably from Bauleitung drawing 1434, not found;
· Section c d: 1174, but with the floor thickness greatly increased;
· Section g h: 1173/1174, omitting the front elevation of the future Kr II;
· Ground floor: 933, and 980 for the ventilation chimney;
· Section i k and 1 m: drawn by Huta on the basis of the relevant Bauleitung drawings. They show the exact trace and dimensions of the Leichenkeller 1 ventilation duct.
The original dissecting room has been divided in two by a thin partition wall to create a smaller dissection room and a laboratory.
Huta drawing 109/16a contains no “criminal traces” but gives details of the ventilation system of Leichenkeller 1 (future gas chamber), in particular the fresh air duct.