The Holocaust Historiography Project
Auschwitz, by J.-C. Pressac
HUTA DRAWING 109/15 OF 24/9/43
[PMO Archives file BW 30a/17, neg. no. 20922/9]
Bauherr: Waffen SS u. Polizei Auschwitz / Auschwitz Waffen SS and Police
Betr,: Krematorium 2 (3) / Subject: Krematorium 2 (3) [II and III]
Kellergeschoß u. Fundaments / Basement and foundations
Technical no. 109, Sheet 15
Project no. 7015
Scale 1:100

Translation of inscriptions:
· Kiesunterlager / Gravel fill
· Müllofen / Waste incinerator
· Schornstein / Chimney
· Bodenauffüllung / earth Banking
· Bemerkung / Note:
· Die in () Kalmmern eingegebenen [?] Zahlen beziehen sich auf Krema 3 / The figures in round brackets refer to Krematorium III

Huta drawing 109/15, concerning both Krematorium II and III, was based on Bauleitung drawing 932 as amended by 1311. None of the rooms are labeled. The dimensions are more legible than on 932 and the lower ventilation ducting of Leichenkeller 1 can be seen more clearly.