The Holocaust Historiography Project
Auschwitz, by J.-C. Pressac
HUTA DRAWING 109/11 OF 1/3/43
[PMO Archives file BW 30/21, second drawing, neg. no. 20946/5]
Betr.: Krema / Subject: Krematorium
There is no title in the identification block, but the drawing is of:
Deckenbalken im Müllverbrennungsraum / Roof beam in the waste incinerator room
Unterzug im Müllverbrennungsraum / Cross-beams in the waste incinerator room
Scale 1:25
Projekt Nr. 7015 IV,
Blatt Nr 11/ Projects no. 7015/IV, Sheet 11
Translation of inscriptions:
See Huta drawing 109/10