The Holocaust Historiography Project
Auschwitz, by J.-C. Pressac
Document 19
[PMO file BW 30/30, page 21]
Document 19

Waffen SS and Police
Central Construction Management
Auschwitz 3rd September 1942
When replying
quote Reference number
Correspondence register no. 12771/42/Str/Qu
Subject: Damp-proofing work in the Krematorium of the POW camp
Reference: Inspection of the worksite by SS Captain (S) Bischoff on 3/9/42

Huta, Hoch- und Tiefbau-
Kattowitz, Upper Silesia

The two excavations for the above building were completed about 10 days ago [since 25th August], so that the damp-proofing work absolutely must begin immediately.

After several conversations on this subject with your foreman Herr Stephan, the start of this work has been fixed for Monday, 7/9/42. The Bauleitung expects this date to be respected without fail, for the lateness of the season allows of no further delay.
Head of the Waffen SS and Police
Construction Management Auschwitz

[signed] Bischoff
SS Captain (S)
[initials of a Huta man]

Document 20
[PMO file BW 2/11, neg no 21135/8]

Situation plant of Auschwitz POW Camp, Upper Silesia

VORFLUTPLAN/ Plan of drainage ditches
Scale 1:2000
Drawing 1697
Drawn 22/9/42 by prisoner 15592
Checked by SS Second Lieutenant Ertl
and approved by SS Captain Bischoff on the same day
The first construction stage was to contain 20,000 prisoners, the second 60,000 and the third 60,000, giving a total of 140,000.