Without Solving the Jewish Question No Salvation for Mankind
“The Pimpfs of the Hitler Boys' Organization (Jungvolk) are proud of their black uniform. 'We are the real Hitler-men' say the Pimpfs. Although 'men' is a bit overdone, they are right in one thing: the Pimpfs are loyal to the Führer in life and death.”
The Pimpfs are talking — in this concluding story — among themselves. One of them describes a National-Socialist Party march in Munich on the previous November 9th.
“Next to the Führer was General Goering, who was formerly severely wounded at the Felderrnhalle. I saw, too, Reichministers Dr. Goebbels, Frick, Rust, and the Reichsleiter Rosenberg, Amann, Schwarz, our Reich Youth Leader Schirach, and many other old campaigners. Before the Führer was carried the Blood-Flag, which received its consecration on November 9th. 1923. And in front of the Blood-Flag marched a man who, in 1923, too, was in the front and the thick of it: Julius Streicher.”
Another Pimpf says:
“We know him all right. He is the enemy of the Jews. That is why all the Jews hate him.”
“You are right” says another. “The Jews hate and insult only those whom they most fear. And they are afraid of Streicher.”
The pimpf so far has not said anything. Suddenly he stops. Then he grasps his two friends by the arm and pulls them away. They stop in front of a bill-board. They read a large poster. It says Julius Streicher makes an address in the People’s Hall about “The Jews are our misfortune.”
“That is where we go!” shouts Konrad, “I wanted to hear him speak for a long time.” “I have heard him once before at a meeting two years ago,” says Erich. “Do tell us all about it!” the two pimpfs beg.
The Hitler youth recounts:
“The meeting was overcrowded. Many thousands of people attended. To begin with, Streicher talked of his experiences in the years of struggle, and of the tremendous achievements of the Hitler Reich. Then he began to talk about the Jewish question. All he said was so clear and simple that even we boys could follow it. Again and again he told about examples taken from life. At one time he talked most amusingly and cracked jokes, making all of us laugh. Then again he became most serious, and it was so quiet in the hall that one could hear a needle drop. He talked of the Jews and their horrible crimes. He talked of the serious danger which Judaism is for the whole world.
“Without a solution of the Jewish question there will be no salvation of mankind.”
That is what he shouted to us. All of us could understand him. And when, at the end, he shouted the “Sieg-Heil” for the Fuehrer, we all acclaimed him with tremendous enthusiasm. For two hours Streicher spoke at that occasion. To us it appeared to have been but a few minutes.
“Yes, my dear friends! I shall always think of that meeting. And I shall never forget the speaking-choir which we heard at the end of the gathering:
'From the Germany Hitler created
Resounds a cry to the whole world:
Free yourselves from the Jewish hand
And save both Volk and Fatherland!'The world awakes in Juda’s chains
Julius Streicher
Germany alone it knows can save!
Through German idea and German Being
Will one day the whole world be restored.'”
Pimpf = Hitler youth between 10 and 14.